Olivia Morris
Owner - Trainer &

Little Hunter Farm Team
Having been involved with horses for over 40 years. Olivia began riding at the age of eight, when her parents bought her first pony, which she was lucky enough to be able to keep in her backyard. From an early age she learned about the responsibility of caring for a horse. Feeding, grooming, and stall cleaning was a daily job.
Olivia started formal lessons at the age of 12. Throughout her teen years, she went on to ride and compete extensively, winning top ribbons and year end awards on the IHJA circuit, particularly in the Equitation ring. She continued riding and competing until heading off to nursing school.
After receiving a Bachelors of Science in Nursing, from Northwestern University, she began work as a sugical heart and critical care nurse. Additionally, she completed trauma certification and moved on to working in emergency departments at several trauma designated hospitals.
Taking a break from riding, she married and started a family, during which time, she also attained a Masters in Business Administration.
By the time her oldest child (Rebecca) was 3 years old, it was back to riding. Choosing to make training a full time job, she established Little Hunter Farm in 2007 with the help and support of her husband Bob who is a pivotal member of the LHF team, keeping the farm operating smoothly.
Olivia takes pride in training solid ponies and horses on which her students can learn; and developing riders with strong horsemanship skills both in and out of the arena.
Rebecca Morris
Professional Rider - Trainer &
Show Team Manager

As a junior, Rebecca competed extenisvely in the hunter, jumper, and equitation arenas - including a successful stretch catch-riding horses in the BigEqu classes. In addition to a successful showing record, she has trained and cliniced under professionals such as Kevin Babbington, Frank Madden, Melanie Smith Taylor, Julie Winkle, Peter Wylde, Hardin Towell, and Diane Carney. Rebecca has been a 3 time HQC and Emerging Athletes Program participant - participating as an EAP National finalist as a team coordinator at age 17; and again in 2019, as one of the 16 finalists.